with Children

Call Dave Today!

Divorcing with children brings unique challenges that require careful attention to their well-being. At Sarnacki Law Firm, we’re dedicated to guiding you through this process with sensitivity, care, and expertise. Our approach ensures that your child(ren)'s best interests are prioritized in custody, support, and parenting time.

We work to create balanced custody arrangements, ensure fair support calculations, and establish parenting time schedules that maintain strong relationships between children and both parents. Let us help you navigate these complexities with the care and dedication your family deserves.

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Child Custody

At Sarnacki Law Firm, we understand that divorce is especially challenging when children are involved. As a top-rated divorce and family law firm across the Grand Rapids area, we are committed to providing effective support in your child custody case.

Parenting Time

Parenting time, also known as custodial time or visitation, answers the question: When will the child spend time with each parent?

Child Support

At Sarnacki Law Firm, we understand the complexities and emotional challenges of child support issues. Our commitment is to provide honest, compassionate, and effective legal representation for families in the Grand Rapids area.

Choose Sarnacki Law Firm

With honesty, diligence, and compassion, Sarnacki Law Firm provides top-tier divorce and family law representation in Grand Rapids. Whether you are contemplating divorce, beginning the process, or seeking new legal counsel, we are here to help. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you through this challenging time.


"I marvel at the pieces God has put into place for us and the people who have supported us, like you. You did an incredible job, and this outcome was far more than I dared hope for. You and Tammy are such wonderful people and best family law office!!"

- H.B.