Alimony is spousal support paid by one spouse to another in the event of a divorce. The State of Michigan allows consideration of spousal support claims if the requesting spouse demonstrates a need and the other spouse can afford to pay. Below, we’ll discuss the different types of spousal support, and contact The Sarnacki Law Firm in Grand Rapids for advice today.


Temporary alimony is a type of spousal support that is only available during the divorce process. This is paid by one spouse to another who cannot support themselves during the divorce process. This is often awarded in the form of “status quo” payments, meaning if one spouse has always paid the bills, they will continue to do so throughout the divorce process.


Periodic alimony is an amount determined by the Michigan courts that one spouse pays another in equal payments over a specific period of time. This is the most common type of spousal support awarded in the state of Michigan. This can be short-term or long-term.

Lump-Sum or Buy-Out

Lump-sum alimony payments are not common, but they do occur in divorces in Michigan. This is where the amount of alimony is paid in one large sum up-front. You’ll commonly see this awarded as an asset, such as a property, rather than cash. However, it’s a “one-and-done mentality” that if you can afford to pay, some couples like.


Let a top-rated Grand Rapids family law and divorce attorney help. Contact us for an alimony consultation today!