Tips To Tell Your Spouse You Want A Divorce

Telling your spouse you want a divorce may be one of the most difficult conversations you’ve ever had. The divorce team at The Sarnacki Law Firm offers divorce and family law services in Grand Rapids. Below, we’ll go over some great tips on how to tell your spouse you want a divorce. Contact us today!
Be Sure A Divorce Is What You Absolutely Want
All marriages have their problems, so there are times when you are incredibly angry with your spouse. But divorce is a permanent solution that may not be right for your temporary problems. Be sure that a divorce is what you absolutely want before you tell your spouse.
Choose The Right Time And Place To Deliver The News
Telling your spouse that you want a divorce at your kid’s soccer game is probably not the best idea. Most likely, your spouse will be angry and hurt–wouldn’t you? It’s best to choose a calm moment in a private place where you both will have some time to talk.
Be Prepared With Reasons
Most likely, your spouse will not be expecting a divorce announcement. They will probably be confused, and they will want to know why. You’ll need to be prepared with some basic or general reasons and stay calm while your spouse deals with the news.
Enlist The Support Of A Top-Notch Divorce Lawyer
Even before you deliver the news of a divorce to your spouse, you should have consulted with a divorce lawyer who can help you. Dave Sarnacki has decades of experience in helping couples navigate the divorce waters, and he can help with all types of divorce. Reach out today.
Ending a marriage is one of the most stressful events in a person’s life. You’ll want to have someone in your corner who can handle the legal aspects of it all. Partner with The Sarnacki Law Firm in Grand Rapids today.